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Visit your local Govt HQ's embassies / consulates to demand support for Julian Assange persecuted, tortured political prisoner of the west - attend protests and rallies or contact your government representative. A number of US, UK & Australian listed below! Add your local event or representative to the map by contacting @candles4assange You could hold regular vigils / info stalls outside their headquarters politely keep them informed.. or if you have a local supporter group demand action on behalf of X-no. of people! (click map icon to see details/contacts right-click / hold-click to follow embedded links.)
Visit your local Govt HQ's embassies / consulates to demand support for Julian Assange persecuted, tortured political prisoner of the west - attend protests and rallies or contact your government representative. A number of US, UK & Australian listed below! Add your local event or representative to the map by contacting @candles4assange You could hold regular vigils / info stalls outside their headquarters politely keep them informed.. or if you have a local supporter group demand action on behalf of X-no. of people! (click map icon to see details/contacts right-click / hold-click to follow embedded links.)


So far not enough government representatives have spoken out for Assange.
There are exciting new developments afoot in Australia and UK with a cross-party working group formed in Australian Parliament to work towards bringing home Assange and Chris Williamson Labour MP in UK who has tabled a motion at the UK parliament. German MP's and European MP's have also been gathering support.
Eventually this page will become a name and shame list - which politicians support Assange and speak out - and which are the worst offenders at spreading the smears and lies?
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