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Visit your local Govt HQ's embassies / consulates to demand support for Julian Assange persecuted, tortured political prisoner of the west - attend protests and rallies or contact your government representative. A number of US, UK & Australian listed below! Add your local event or representative to the map by contacting @candles4assange You could hold regular vigils / info stalls outside their headquarters politely keep them informed.. or if you have a local supporter group demand action on behalf of X-no. of people! (click map icon to see details/contacts right-click / hold-click to follow embedded links.)
Visit your local Govt HQ's embassies / consulates to demand support for Julian Assange persecuted, tortured political prisoner of the west - attend protests and rallies or contact your government representative. A number of US, UK & Australian listed below! Add your local event or representative to the map by contacting @candles4assange You could hold regular vigils / info stalls outside their headquarters politely keep them informed.. or if you have a local supporter group demand action on behalf of X-no. of people! (click map icon to see details/contacts right-click / hold-click to follow embedded links.)


Visit your local Media HQ's to demand fair accurate reporting on Julian Assange - If media companies are not reporting properly - call them out!
Add them to the map by contacting @candles4assange You could hold regular vigils / info stalls outside their offices politely keep media staff informed... or if you have a local supporter group demand an interview on behalf of X-no. of people! As well as holding their regular vigils and interviews via the Action4Assange
Youtube Channel this highly active group are hoping to attend and report on the trial in the UK as well as host a vigil in Washington DC with a whole week of actions including visiting Washington Post on Tuesday 25th Feb
@Action_4assange on twitter / @Taylor Hudak on Facebook

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